TIME shifted to 25 hours? No!

Every man/woman on earth has the same 24hours within which to accomplish success or record failure. Time is a commodity available to the poor and rich. It's free! It can be wasted or used, but can't be recalled once wasted. This is the second half of 2016! Last year has gone forever! Yesterday can't be recalled, but today is in your power. Please determine to handle time wasters, and change them before they change your name to regrets. Time management is life management! Take control of your time and you will gain control of your life! Time is what we want most but what we spend worst! The bad news is that time flies, the good news is you are the pilot. That is why you must never allow yesterday to eat up today in your thoughts. Indeed, you have exactly the same number of hours per day that was given to Helen Keller, Albert Einstein , Thomas Jefferson, Michelangelo and all the great name of history. Note these secrets in managing your time. Take care of the minutes and the...