
Just be .............

     If you want to get what everyone is getting, do what everyone is doing. Growing up, I just wanted to be like everyone else. I didn't value or understand the beauty in being different at the time in my life. I was happy trying to be anyone else, because no one will blame me for what i do.  At a point , I found out that is not life.     Today I  say to you! Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. "Originality is a by product of sincerity and sincerity a virtue" . Being different means:-Not being afraid to challenge the norm.-Being willing to take a chance.-Asking why.-Making your own track, not just following the well trodden path.- Charting your own course and destiny.-Being the person that you were meant to be. I believe that everyone is born unique. Society celebrates mediocrity so much that it does not take much to set yourself above the rest. Doing that one thing regul...

Desires 》》》Attention

Morning Tea_with Nachi       The only way you can change your desires is to change what you give attention to. If those desires are positive...stay focused. But if they are not, you owe  to yourself to leave that state because the end with be better you never existed. Philippians 4: 8 says... "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" . (NIV) #motivatemedaily #izzamorningteawithme #sundaymotivation #thinkright

Can you start, please?

Many people think they have to know everything before they start doing something  or they have to be great before they start anything.  Well according to Mark he said; Let me tell you a secret: No one does when they begin. Ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started. Then i say to you today on Morning Tea_with Nachi. I know it's not going to be easy getting started.  It may in fact be the most challenging and painful thing you have ever done. Pain is life, it's everywhere. But the worst of it all is the PAIN OF REGRET. Remember! Don't let perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started.  Just start! The Universe is on your side. #izzamorningteawithme #motivateme #addhoneytotea #makeithappen #juststart

Perfection does not exist

   Morning Tea_with Nachi Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.    One of the most essential things you need to do for yourself is to choose a goal that is important to you. Work towards accomplishing it. You may fail but remember;  Perfection does not exist — you can always do better and you can always grow.”

That's all your mother was trying to tell you.

    A Principles Woman 2 The world has convinced us women that we are not fully functioning, fulfillled individual without a man. What can you say when popular artists make desperation sound so good? Songs declare "there is no me without you" or " if love ends then i promise you that i shall never breathe again. Actually, it's the other way around. The wrong relationship can squeeze the very life out of you. That's why it's so important to allow God to choose the man that He wants to Find you. Listen! "Find you", he finds you. Yes, my bible tells me, "When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing" (Prov.18:22). This always was, and always will be, the perfect order of a relationship because it is spiritual law. So where did God come up with the ideal that the man finds the woman? Believe it or not,  He arranged this in order to give the woman POWER. Let's Face it- men never appreciate anything they don't have to work for to...

Honey face mask with Aloe vera gel.

Before you sleep tonight, give your face a treat. For a Smooth face and a beautiful look on makeup 😂. To clear Pimples, scars , eczema etc. HONEY FACE MASK is REAL ! Very EFFECTIVE!  This evening/night mix it with ALOE VERA GEL. -2 teaspoon of Raw Honey -1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel  Stir the aloe vera and honey together and apply over your. Leave it on for about 20-30minutes. OR do it before you go to bed and leave the mask overnight. Let's do it! I can't wait to see FACE BEATS. NATURAL MASK is the new BEAUTY.   #testimonies #beauty #whatnaturegives. #seeyou2moro4anotherrecipe.


Who exactly is a principles woman? Well, not only does she have a learned knowledge of who she is and how she should be treated , she also has an understanding.  Have you ever known people who have lots of knowledge but they don't seem to truly understand things? I thought so! This principles woman knows what time it is. And she understands exactly what she deserves. The sum total of the deal is this: A principles woman knows who she is in the eyes of God and understands her worth. She sees herself "seated in heavenly places" with a rich inheritance.  She will not allow herself to be mishandled by someone who is a spiritual and emotional pauper. Her position isn't something she boldly proclaims, but everything about her actions and the way she carries herself says it all. A principles woman is not only a woman of surpassable character, she's got it going on in every way. Her head is together, her heart is together, her spirit is together and she has deve...