Who exactly is a principles woman?
Well, not only does she have a learned knowledge of who she is and how she should be treated , she also has an understanding.  Have you ever known people who have lots of knowledge but they don't seem to truly understand things? I thought so! This principles woman knows what time it is. And she understands exactly what she deserves.

The sum total of the deal is this:

  1. A principles woman knows who she is in the eyes of God and understands her worth.
  2. She sees herself "seated in heavenly places" with a rich inheritance. 
  3. She will not allow herself to be mishandled by someone who is a spiritual and emotional pauper.
  4. Her position isn't something she boldly proclaims, but everything about her actions and the way she carries herself says it all.
  5. A principles woman is not only a woman of surpassable character, she's got it going on in every way. Her head is together, her heart is together, her spirit is together and she has developed and is actively using her gifts.
  6. She is a person who draws others to her because she has something that everyone wants. She has a certain "joie de vivre", a joy of life that comes from being comfortable with who she is.
  7. A principles woman knows yhw principles of God concerning her and keeps them close to her heart. She doesn't settle for less than God's best for herself. 
  8. A principles woman is a well-kept lady . She keeps herself reserved for those things that sre deserving of her attention.  She doesn't get distracted by or caught up in things that are not edifying or uplifting to herself or to those in her world.
  9. She keeps her attention closely guarded and never freely tosses them to the the wind in the hopes that someone will catch them . She understands that she must, "keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life".Her life demands respect from all who know her.
  10. A principles woman is quite comfortable flying solo; she knows that she's never really alone .

she only wants a rightly qualified copilot to fill the seat beside.

Muse: Mrs Ogechi Victoria Akanwa
           (CEO Classique by Victoria)
Lessons from : SECRETS OF AN IRRESISTIBLE WOMAN by MIchelle Mckinney                                                                                                                    
_ PART 2 next


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