
Showing posts from December, 2016


No matter how things start or unfold remain conscious of the fact that it is in your favour

Why you need honey..

1.Honey bees act as pollinators and therefore help to increase the production of plants and trees which are useful in protecting the environment. 2.Honey is a balanced food. It contains minerals, enzymes, water and all substances necessary for life sustenance. 3.Honey contains an anti-oxidant known as ‘pinocembrin’ which helps to improve brain function. 4.Honey is a natural anti-biotic and is useful for treating skin infections and clearing scars from wounds. 5.Honey and beeswax is used to create a lot of industrial products and cosmetics. 6.Honey is seen as a healthier alternative to sugar. 7.Eating honey regularly can help to boost the immune system and prevent cancer. 8.It helps to detoxify the blood and improve circulation. 9.Honey helps with weight loss. 10.Drinking a mixture of warm water, lemon and honey helps to cleanse the body and flush out toxins and unwanted fat. 11.Honey can help to relieve indigestion and neutralize gas.

You need to understand this!

Sometimes in life you understand that things you think are good and better for you are actually the experience preparing you for the best.

There's one thing we’re all chasing after.

There’s one thing we’re all chasing after. One force that trumps money, power or reason, and that very closely dictates the kind of people we become. And it’s love. Falling in love is like coming home. Your worries are quieted and you feel protected in your partner’s arms. The man you give your heart to just feels right. When you’re deep in love, it’s hard not to picture the rest of your life with that other person. But how do we know for certain that it’s real forever and not just a current fantasy? Perhaps we’re a little old-fashioned, but we like to believe that marriage — for better or for worse — is sacred for life. Here are the nine signs you’ve found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with: 1. You don’t need to be “on” in front of him Good days and bad days, he understands who you are and doesn’t expect you to be anyone but yourself. In his eyes, you’re special by jus...

Retune your thinking!

The way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking! You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts – retune your thinking. And live happily!

You are born , an original!

  You may not think that the world needs you, but it does. For You are unique like no one that has ever been before or will come after.     No one can speak with your voice. Say your piece . Smile your smile or shine your light . No one can take your place because it is yours alone to fill. If you are not there to shine your light who knows how many travellers will lose their way as they try to pass by your empty place in the darkness.   So you are born an original , don't die a copy.