Why you need honey..

1.Honey bees act as pollinators and therefore help to increase the production of plants and trees which are useful in protecting the environment.

2.Honey is a balanced food. It contains minerals, enzymes, water and all substances necessary for life sustenance.

3.Honey contains an anti-oxidant known as ‘pinocembrin’ which helps to improve brain function.

4.Honey is a natural anti-biotic and is useful for treating skin infections and clearing scars from wounds.

5.Honey and beeswax is used to create a lot of industrial products and cosmetics.

6.Honey is seen as a healthier alternative to sugar.

7.Eating honey regularly can help to boost the immune system and prevent cancer.

8.It helps to detoxify the blood and improve circulation.

9.Honey helps with weight loss.

10.Drinking a mixture of warm water, lemon and honey helps to cleanse the body and flush out toxins and unwanted fat.

11.Honey can help to relieve indigestion and neutralize gas.


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