Life without limits-Failure

With the Japanese proverb that describes a formular for success: " Fall seven times, stand up eight." According to Nick Vujicic, in his book " Life without limits " He says; you fail. I fail. The best of us fail, and the rest of us fail too. Those who never rise from defeat often see failure as final. What we all need to remember is that life is not a pass- fail test. It's a trail- and- error process. Those who succeed bounce back from their bone head mistakes because they view their setbacks as temporary and as learning experiences. Every successful person I know has messed up at some point. Often , they say their mistakes were critical to their success . When they flopped, they didn't quite. Instead, they recognised their problems, worked harder, and searched for more creative solutions. If they failed five times, they tried five times harder. Winston Churchill captured the essence of it when he said, ...