Joyce Meyer- The secret to true happiness.
First book to review!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit says Aristole.
A habit is an acquired pattern of behaviour that has become almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition.
Remember habits are formed through repetition. When you try to break a bad habit and develop a good one , you will have to commit to repeating your new thoughts or behaviours on regular basis. At first, it will not be because you are not accustomed to it. It will need to be programmed into your attitudes and actions by virtue of doing it over and over again. That takes discipline, of course, but I assure you, the benefits of breaking bad habits and cultivating good ones are worth the effort. 😊😁
Below are Basic habits to cultivate;
1. Making a habit of spending time with God: There is no controversy about this except you are a pagan or in any other belief.🙁
Moments with him can include praying , reading, and studying the bible, singing or playing worship music, quietly listening for his voice , or other ways of experiencing His presence. When we think of prayer and spending time with God, we must remember that it is a privilege. It is not a burden or an obligation, but a great honour because it connects mere human hearts with the awesome power of God.
2. Make a habit of keeping your conscience clear. Nothing will keep you from enjoying life like feeling guilty all the time. No one is perfect; no matter how we try to be blameless, we will sin. When we do, we must remember forgiveness is always available to us through Christ.
3. Make a habit of living by Faith, One day at a time.
4. Make a habit of doing your best.
5. Make a habit of handling criticism in a Godly way.
6. Make a habit of practicing peace.
7. Make a habit of finishing what you start.
8.Make a habit of being Generous.
These are some of the habits you need to cultivate..Though there are still many not know them🤗, why don't you start today to practice them..yeah! It may the hard but it happiness and builds personality..
Start waiting!
Cheap wines! Good books..
Joyce Meyer- The secret to true happiness.
Chapter 23, Buy! Check! Read!
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