
Showing posts from June, 2017


You are the same today you’ll be in five years except for two things: the people you associate with and the books you read. -which book do we have this week? LET GO OF WHATEVER THAT HOLDS YOU BACK. _John Mason Happy new week!!!

What is holding us back? Unwillingness to take Risk?

What is holding us back? Risk? Unwillingness to take Risk? Success involves taking calculated risk.  Risk- taking does not mean gambling foolishly and behaving irresponsibly. People sometimes mistake irresponsible and rash behaviour as risk- taking. They end up with negative results and blame it on bad luck. Risk- taking is relative. The concept of risk varies from person to person and can be a result of training. To both a trained mountain climber and a novice, mountain climbing is risky, but to the trained person it is not irresponsible risk-taking. Responsible risk- taking is based on knowledge , training, careful study, confidence and competence- factors that give you the courage to act while facing fear. The person who never attempts anything risky makes no mistakes.  However , not making  the attempt is often a bigger mistake than making the attempt and failing, because you've experienced and learnt as well.   Indecision is habit forming and contagious....

What is holding us back? Lack of Persistence? 1.0

What's holding us back? The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today and that's doubt of starting or continuing. What's holding you back? If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness. This analogy is parallel to life because many of us go through life with things withholding us to stand for ourselves. They are the factors that prevent you from achieving success. What's holding us back? Lack of Persistence? Risk? Lack of priorities? Lack of conviction? Lack of understanding of nature's law? Unwillingness to plan and prepare? Fear? Not learning from past mistakes? Inability to use talent? Lack of discipline? Poor self-esteem? Lack of knowledge? Lack of purpose? Lack of courage?   One step at a time, sweetheart. Let's talk about"Lack of persistence"   When problems seem insurmountable, quitting may look like the e...

Morning Tea_with Nachi-Pain of Regret

If you're looking at life..and it's not giving you what you owe to yourself to do something differently You owe to yourself working to change direction.. But most people resist change,🤗 But most people will fight change as change will be worse than what they're  experiencing. As you look at your life, and you you're not getting what you want . As you walk towards the future, begin to know that whatever it takes to create whatever you want have that in you.. You have  genius in you You have  greatness in you You have  creativeness in you If you decide to take the initiative To change..the current quality of your life You will find the universe on your side The life  on your side.. But there will be turbulence, it won't be easy..there will be oppositions, mistakes, you will be hurt. See alot of people don't want to try anything differently because they don't want to get hurt. It's too much pain to dark..pain is ...

When is the right time to be in a relationship ?πŸ€”

When is the right time to be in a relationship?🤔 There is no specific time to start a relationship because you may not have it when you want it, not that there is none but your choice may not be seen. And relationship is a thing that involve two people so you can't just make your plans rigid..just be flexible . Knowing that you don't want doesn’t mean you should chase them away but you have to make your reasons am not ready now because i can't give out all it involves now..and am not ready emotionally and otherwise but we can still be friends. And I charge you during this period..engage yourself in things that will build you in becoming the wife, mother and woman you want to will make him to still hold unto. I challenge you, that friendship must lead to relationship eventually, if you two really love each other.   So does that mean , people enter relationship unconsciously?

Questions Young people ask about relationship

There are lot of questions young people ask about relationship but today i will try and answer few.. But if you have anything to say just feel free to comment..Thank you!🤗 Before i answer some of the questions young people ask. What is relationship? And which type are they asking questions on? -Relationship in a general sense is the way in which two or more people or things are connected.  We have different types of relationship which includes: Social group, peer group, household,community, casual relationship, intimate relationship etc. So today on our topic I  will talk about Intimate Relationship-the question young people ask. Intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical and /or emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy is characterised by friendship, platonic love , romantic love or sexual activity. While the term intimate relationship commonly implies the inclusion of a sexual relationship. Human have a general desire to belon...

Early Morning Tea....Heart of a child

When I was a CHILD , I spoke like a CHILD , I thought like a CHILD , I reasoned like a CHILD ; when I became a man, I gave up CHILDISH   ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part; but I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood.  So faith, hope , love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.. Let Love lead...   I Corinthians 13: 11

Power of a winner

    Our attitude determines how we look at a setback. To a positive thinker, attitude can be a stepping-stone to success. To a negative thinker, it can be a stumbling block. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, as well as many others have said that every problem comes with an equal or greater opportunity.   David's defeat to Goliath is a perfect example of this. To the Israelites they saw Goliath as a setback to their victory, as too big to hit but David saw him as too big to miss. We all know what happened.  David killed the giant with the slingshot, same giant🤗. He did this because he had a different perception.     Winners don't  do different things. They do things differently. What's holding you?

Early Morning Tea-Honey

~Nothing to eat this morning?πŸ€— OK... A help is right beside you... It's honey..the liquid gold Just two teaspoons... Lots of energy... Happy spirit.. Sweet and harmless.. Just add honey to anything you eat today...either as a starter...main meal or dessert... Energy guaranteed.. It bolsters your energy levels. The natural sugars in honey provide a healthy source of calories and energy for the body. Plus, using honey for an energy boost also answers the human body’s innate craving for something sweet. Fight fatigue with nature’s answer to low energy. You have to work harder today... You need a  bottle of honey around.  Instead of reaching for coffee, cakes, or chocolate to get you through an energy slump, try reaching for a tablespoon of raw, organic honey instead. Are you student.. Do you read alot... Do you do too much of near works... Can you add honey to that tea..custard...oats..garriπŸ˜† You have to... For energy to be guaranteed..


Close social bonds are better than a lonely life. Let's learn a little from our ani-crush...#dolphin    Documentries have it that Dolphins are the second or third most intelligent being. Let's examine the life of Dolphins on it's relationship with each other.     Dolphins maintain very close ties with their pod companions. They are highly sociable and do not hesitate to help each other. They are even able to remember many years after they last saw each other and aid to survive those who are sick. When humans imitate this behavior, it improves their mood, reduces stress and increases their chances of survival. Dolphins are creatures of socialization just as we are. As human beings, maybe it’s time that we take a look back at how we have evolved and consider instead returning to the way of the dolphin, rather than spreading farther and farther from each other, the answer to our problems is perhaps instead, to come closer. The pod concept that protects...

New month-JuneπŸ˜‹πŸ˜€πŸ˜

Happy new month !😁 May these days not go to waste, make every second count, and don’t let anyone make you negative or unhappy, because as they say “Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life! Happy new month!