Morning Tea_with Nachi-Pain of Regret

If you're looking at life..and it's not giving you what you owe to yourself to do something differently
You owe to yourself working to change direction..
But most people resist change,🤗
But most people will fight change as change will be worse than what they're  experiencing.
As you look at your life, and you you're not getting what you want .
As you walk towards the future, begin to know that whatever it takes to create whatever you want have that in you..
You have  genius in you
You have  greatness in you
You have  creativeness in you
If you decide to take the initiative
To change..the current quality of your life
You will find the universe on your side
The life  on your side..
But there will be turbulence, it won't be easy..there will be oppositions, mistakes, you will be hurt.
See alot of people don't want to try anything differently because they don't want to get hurt.
It's too much pain to dark..pain is everywhere..that's life..
But know that there's no gain without a pain..
But the worst the pain of regret...
Beware...start Now..before you experience the pain of regret..
You can do all you want to...
           start Now!

"Don’t let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you.”

All you can do is all you can do..and all you can do is enough but make sure you do all you can do!

Please listen to yourself!


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