What is holding us back? Unwillingness to take Risk?
What is holding us back?
Unwillingness to take Risk?
Success involves taking calculated risk. Risk- taking does not mean gambling foolishly and behaving irresponsibly. People sometimes mistake irresponsible and rash behaviour as risk- taking. They end up with negative results and blame it on bad luck.
Risk- taking is relative. The concept of risk varies from person to person and can be a result of training. To both a trained mountain climber and a novice, mountain climbing is risky, but to the trained person it is not irresponsible risk-taking. Responsible risk- taking is based on knowledge , training, careful study, confidence and competence- factors that give you the courage to act while facing fear.
The person who never attempts anything risky makes no mistakes. However , not making the attempt is often a bigger mistake than making the attempt and failing, because you've experienced and learnt as well.
Indecision is habit forming and contagious. Many opportunities are lost because of Indecision. Take risks, but don’t gamble. Risk- takers move ahead with their eyes open. Gamblers shoot in the dark.
But again risk must be taken , because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risk nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn , feel, change, grow, love, or live. Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves, they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risk is free..
So is unwillingness to take the risk, the one thing that is holding you back?
Come on ! Sweetheart...life is full of risk..stop hiding....is too much pain to dark. For you to live is to risk dying dear..
Always be ready to face life..
I want to leave you with this quote;
"If you want it, Go for it. Take the Risk. Don't always play it safe or you'll die wondering".
Thank you for letting me motivate you by reading this..
For more-08146671418
Nachi Nnochiri
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