Tuesday,May 3rd 2016.
Topic: You attract what you respect
Basic Scriptures:Galatians 4:12-16,Hebrews 12:14-17
 Commentary: "Familiarity breeds contempt" is a popular, philosophical saying.It means extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something which lead to a lot of respect for them or it. It means we value least the things which are most familiar. This is the nature of human. For example, the population in  Nazareth could not accept Him because He was too familiar to them. They saw Him as carpenter's son instead of the prophet (Mark 6:2-5).No wonder Jesus said a prophet had no honour in his own country
   Indeed, there can be no prestige without mystery because familiarity breeds contempt, except in politics where it breeds votes! Distance brings respect and you must watch how close you are to some people. Deliberately keep your distance sometimes if someone is disrespecting you. Why did the Galatians lose their initials ,divine revelation received from Paul? (Galatians 4:15).God can send people into your life to be a great blessing to you. They could come as spouse(husband/wife),children, parents, friends,or relations. They could be your pastor, office, staff, boss or a servant. There is a danger however of despising anything we are used to.Of a truth,you see these helpers more often than all others,but never disregard them or dispise them. For example, your pastor's messages will stop blessing you the day familiarity creeps in. Pastors,help the people! Be balanced and stop being extremely friendly with people! You are not a politician but a prophet! There must be a borderline! Be reminded that years ago, a young lady lost her marriage and drove her ex-husband back into a life of women and alcohol. The cause was Familiarity! The man was used to staying out so late at the beginning of their marriage. She complanied and after much talk, he repented and started coming home as early as 7:30pm .After a while, she started complaining of being tired of him. The last time they quarrelled, she told him that he was the ugliest man ever created by God and that no other woman would 'buy' him for a cent or a naira.The guy got angry and resumed his normal "night browsing", at least just to know whether he was worth a cent or naira or not. Her problem was that she had allowed familiarity to produce contempt for God's divine source of reaching out to her on this planet.
 Is it true that couples that stay apart or sleep in two different rooms miss each other more? Do you respect people you hardly see,compared to those you see daily? Why did Esua lose his birthright? Was it because he did not value it? Never ignore a person that loves and care for you because one day, might wake up from your sleep and realise that you have lost the moon while counting the stars
You can only attract what you respect! Be wise!
   Prayer points:

  1. Pray about devotional as led
  2. Repent from any way in which familarity has crept into any relationship God gave to you. This is your year!
  3. I shall not suffer loss this year in Jesus name.


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