Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Therefore, the quality of your thinking largely determines the quality of your life. The greatest mental principle is that "you become what you think about most of the time . " Top people in every field are intensively solution-oriented. They think about solutions most of the time. Instead of getting bogged down in who did or didn't do something or other, the most successful people in every field concentrate on the solutions and what can be done to solve the problem.
The Sufi philosopher Izrhat Khan once said, "life is a continuous succession of problems, like Waves from the ocean. They never stop. " This means that your ability to practice self-discipline, self mastery, and self control when faced with the never-ending flow of problems, difficulties, setbacks, and temporary failures you will experience is essential to your Success in business and in life.
The Sufi philosopher Izrhat Khan once said, "life is a continuous succession of problems, like Waves from the ocean. They never stop. " This means that your ability to practice self-discipline, self mastery, and self control when faced with the never-ending flow of problems, difficulties, setbacks, and temporary failures you will experience is essential to your Success in business and in life.
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