Read,as motivation changes your life.

Belief in yourself is the beginning of self motivation
and achieving your dreams. Without a solid belief in
your own potential and abilities, you are doomed to
failure and mediocrity.
Self Motivation Fact #1 - YOUR DEEPEST FEAR IS
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to
Marianne Williamson
I believe that quote sums it all up. Many people are
simply afraid to think of themselves as anything but
average. The truth is – most people are average. The
truth is also that most people don’t use their average
ability. Most people live below their average ability.
That means that even if you just utilized your average
ability you could probably achieve great things. It
doesn’t take much to excel in a below average world.
Self Motivation Fact # 2 - YOU HAVE UNLIMITED
Potential is simply what you can do, but have not yet
Myles Munroe in his inspirational book “Understanding
Your Potential” defines potential as:
“…All you can be but have not yet become…all you can
do but have not yet done…how far you can reach but
have not yet reached…what you can accomplish but
have not yet accomplished. Potential is unexposed
ability and latent power.”
You must understand that
every human being is born
with unlimited potential.
There is a vast pool of
untapped ability in each one
of us. The only question is
– are you willing to seek it
out and bring it to fruition?
If you believe, like I do, that there is a God and that he
created you, then you won’t find it hard to believe that
you were created with vast ability and potential. God,
after all, made man “in his own image.” He made YOU
in his own image. If God made you in his own image,
then you must be very much like God in a lot of ways.
Then to say that you are limited in your potential or
that you don’t have much ability to excel would be to
insult God’s intelligence and ability.
That is where my self-esteem and belief in my ability
comes from. I was made by the greatest being in the
Universe. That is where most “self-esteem” movements
fail. Self-esteem has got to have a basis. It’s got to
“hang” onto something. Self-esteem without this solid
foundation is potentially dangerous and destructive.
However, with God as your anchor you can do anything.
PART TWO - Self motivation begins with beleiveing in
You could live a million years and you still
wouldn’t be able to exhaust your
potential. There would always be
something new for you to do that no one
else has done. There would always be
room for growth and exploration. That is
how powerful you are.
Expand your self concept. Broaden your
horizons. Self motivation is easy when
this concept becomes a part of your
Society has robbed you of an
understanding of who you really are. It has set
boundaries for you and made you a robot. You were
handed a script to go through life like an actor – “go to
school, get a degree, get a good job, get married, have
children, advance up the corporate ladder, plan for your
retirement, live off your pension, die of a rare
Most people actually laugh at and discourage those
that would try to get more out of life. What they really
mean to say is – “are you trying to make us look lazy
and stupid? Just fall in line!”
If you listen to them, you can forget about achieving
your dreams. Stick around such people and before long
you can forget about any self motivation techniques
and trying to improve your self concept. You will fall in
line. I repeat – stay away from them.
Associate with people that believe in you or, at least,
won’t discourage you. Your self concept will be a whole
lot healthier and self motivation will be a cinch.
Self Motivation Fact # 3 - THE MOST IMPORTANT
“The only thing that matters is what you think of
yourself. In as much as you believe it, it is what you
live by. It is your personal truth.”
Okay I wrote that one (feel free to quote me), but it
basically sums up what I believe about the subject of
believing in oneself. It doesn’t matter what your
parents, teachers, peers, employer or any one else
thinks of you. What matters is what you think of
yourself. If you believe what others say about you, good
or bad, you are lost. Have your own opinion of who you
are. That way That way YOU are in control.
Don’t be defined by someone else. Define yourself.
Believe in yourself. Hey if you don’t, who is going to?
God believes in you. Why shouldn’t you believe in
“I can do everything through Him who gives me
Philippians 4:13-14
Self Motivation Fact # 4 – YOU CAN CHART YOUR
The good news is – there is another way. Chart out
your own course. Break out of the mould. Listen to
that small inner voice. It knows more about you than
you can imagine.
You can be an original, not a copy. If you are
dissatisfied with life could it be because deep down
you have a feeling that there is more to it than what
you are experiencing? Is it possible that that still small
voice is trying to tell you to “get up and be the person
you should be!”
Here is a great self motivation tip:
“You are all you can ! CREATE YOUR DESTINY.
Your future is here.
Your knowledge and hobbies could be your ticket to


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