They said,it's anger.

An offender today can become your defender tomorrow! Keep no permanent grudge or bitterness because we all live in an imperfect world. Someone that hurts you today can repent before God and move on into the future to enjoy God's blessings, whereas you are still living in the past by your bitterness. Being bitter or angry is living in the past! Oh, Anger! It is an acid that eats up the vessel in which it is stored! It builds nothing but destroys everything! It is like a vehicle moving on a permanent reverse gear! For every minute you angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness! No wonder the bible stated that, "he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city"(Proverbs 16:32). That means controlling your anger makes you become the king of your life. Benjamin Franklin wrote: whatever is began in anger ends in destruction/shame. " Elizabeth Kenny opined: He who conquers anger conquers you ". Anger is an extinguisher of Jehova Ebenezer. Rise against it before it burns down your glory.
Thanks to God is Sunday!


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