
Close social bonds are better than a lonely life.
Let's learn a little from our ani-crush...#dolphin

   Documentries have it that Dolphins are the second or third most intelligent being.
Let's examine the life of Dolphins on it's relationship with each other.
    Dolphins maintain very close ties with their pod companions. They are highly sociable and do not hesitate to help each other. They are even able to remember many years after they last saw each other and aid to survive those who are sick. When humans imitate this behavior, it improves their mood, reduces stress and increases their chances of survival.

Dolphins are creatures of socialization just as we are.
As human beings, maybe it’s time that we take a look back at how we have evolved and consider instead returning to the way of the dolphin, rather than spreading farther and farther from each other, the answer to our problems is perhaps instead, to come closer.
The pod concept that protects dolphins could very well be the ideal that could protect our families and our communities.
Let's learn more from the dolphins and other animals it could help...especially human relationships, also shun violence.


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