Just be .............

If you want to get what everyone is getting, do what everyone is doing. Growing up, I just wanted to be like everyone else. I didn't value or understand the beauty in being different at the time in my life. I was happy trying to be anyone else, because no one will blame me for what i do. At a point , I found out that is not life. Today I say to you! Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. "Originality is a by product of sincerity and sincerity a virtue" . Being different means:-Not being afraid to challenge the norm.-Being willing to take a chance.-Asking why.-Making your own track, not just following the well trodden path.- Charting your own course and destiny.-Being the person that you were meant to be. I believe that everyone is born unique. Society celebrates mediocrity so much that it does not take much to set yourself above the rest. Doing that one thing regul...